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作者:         发布日期:2019-09-30     浏览次数:


  足球是面向大学生一、二年级开设的体育必修课。足球课程教学标准是学校体育教学的重要组成部分,它是一门以身体练习为主要手段、以增进学生身体健康为主要目的的公共基础必修课程,是学校课程体系的重要组成部分。 足球课程的基本技术由踢球、传球、运球、控球、停球、头顶球、界外球、手门员和无球队员跑动技术等部分组成。战术部分,可分为进攻战术和防守战术;根据参加人数多少,可分为单人进攻战术和多人进攻战术,单人防守和多人防守战术;及有球进攻和无球跑动战术等。技术是战术的基础,战术是技术的反映。在对抗和比赛及战术配合过程中能否合理运用以上基本技术,是评价一个队员和球队水平的重要指标,也是反映一个球员和一个球队综合素质地重要体现。 经常从事足球运动,不仅可以提高学生技、战术素养,而且也可以提高身体素质,同时可以培养学生吃苦耐劳、顽强拚搏的意志品质。因此,广泛开展这项活动,是培养学生团队意识和团结协作的集体主义精神重要措施,也是实施素质教育和培养德智体美全面发展人才不可缺少的重要途径。


  The Course Description of Soccer Course

  Soccer is a required course for students in grade one and two. The curriculum standards of it play an important part in school sports teaching. Soccer is a compulsory course playing an important component in school curriculum system, which takes the physical exercise as its main means, and the physical health improvement as its main purpose. The basic skills of soccer course consist of several aspects: kicking, passing, dribbling, balling, and stopping the ball, overhead stroke, foul ball, running strategy of hand players and players without ball. Tactics can be divided into attack tactics and defense tactics. According to the number of players, it can be further divided into single attack tactics and multiple attack tactics, individual defense and multiple defense tactics, and tactics with the ball and without the ball etc..Strategy is the basic of tactics, and tactics is a reflection of the technology. Whether reasonably using the above basic strategies or not in the confrontation, competition and cooperation process, is not only an important index to evaluate the level of a player and a team,  but also an important reflection of overall quality of a player and a team. Playing soccer frequently, can not only improve students’ skills and tactics, but also can enhance students’ physical quality. At the same time, it can help to foster students’ hardworking and tenacious quality. Therefore, carrying out such an activity is an important measure to cultivate students’ collective sense like team spirit and cooperative spirit. Meanwhile, it is also an indispensable way to implement quality-oriented education and nurture students with all-round development.