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作者:         发布日期:2019-09-30     浏览次数:


  排球是面向大学生一、二年级开设的体育必修课。排球是奥运会的竞赛项目,也是我国在世界上竞技水平较高的集体项目之一。本课程主要讲授准备姿势和移动、发球 、垫球、传球、扣球的技术要领及常用练习方法,介绍排球比赛的主要规则和裁判法,使学生能够熟练掌握准备姿势和移动、发球、垫球、传球、扣球等基本技术,并能在比赛中合理运用,部分学生能够应用规则和裁判法知识组织校内排球比赛。旨在通过排球项目的技战术练习以提高学生的身体素质水平,培养顽强拼搏、团结协作等精神品质和健康的心理素质。


  The Course Description of the Volleyball

  Volleyball, a compulsory P.E. course for the freshmen and sophomores, is an event of the Olympic Games. Meanwhile, it’s also our dominant event among the team competitions with higher level in the world. The course mainly introduces the technical essentials of ready posture, moving, serving, digging, and passing, spiking and common practice methods. What’s more, the rules of match and the laws of referees are involved in the lesson. The purpose is to make students master the basic skills adroitly and put them into practice reasonably; in addition, some students can organize the intramural volleyball competitions based on the rules and laws. This course is designed in order to improve the students' physical quality through the skills and tactics of the volleyball matches as well as cultivating the healthy psychological diathesis. Last but not least, the course is conducted to foster the spiritual qualities of tenacious struggle, solidarity and cooperation.