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作者:         发布日期:2019-09-30     浏览次数:




  The Course Description of the Basketball Course

  Collegiate Basketball, selected by all the freshmen in Northwest A&F University, belongs to the College Physical Education (Public Basic Course). The same syllabus of Collegiate Basketball I is executed in the autumn term as well as in the spring term (22 school hours/1 credit/1 term). The course focuses on five basic skills, including footwork, one-hand set shot, two-hand chest pass, basic dribble and running overhead/underhand shot. The students are required to master the basic skills through repeating exercises, and to apply the organized teaching methods to autonomic or collaborative learning and practice. What’s more, students need to learn and know the theory and practical methods of physical health and scientific exercise for laying the foundations of Collegiate Basketball Ⅱ and III. Last but not least, the course is conducted to foster the spiritual qualities of tenacious struggle, solidarity and cooperation.